Saturday, August 6, 2011


Since I'm lucky enough to be home with Madison every day (thanks to my wonderful husband). I get to watch her grow and learn right in front of my very eyes!!  She is getting soooo big and getting so smart!  She knows how to do quite a few things, I keep trying to catch everything on camera, but of course she doesn't always like to cooperate- haha.   Here are some of my favorites from the past few weeks!

She's becoming a pro at turning on/off the TV and Stereo. 
(She's also going to take up pluming soon... can you say plumbers crack?  haha)

She loves playing on the couch
 And she's mastered climbing up and down off of it too!
 She wears BIG GIRL pajamas!
 She helps me fold the laundry :D
 She climbs into EVERYTHING!!
She sits back and relaxes on the couch!
Lastly, here is a little video showing my attempts to get Madison to walk :)


  1. Yay, Madison! Getting to be such a Big Girl! Almost time for a First birthday!

  2. OMG she's getting so big!
