Friday, March 23, 2012

My little artist

I love that on any given day there is something fun to do here in San Diego.  Once a month the Children's Museum has a finger painting day and of course I had to take Madison!

Before this, she had never really played with paint, so it was definitely an experience.  By the end of the day, we were BOTH covered in red! haha
After the painting (and 10+ minutes of cleaning off all most of the paint) we were off to the next activity! We spent the rest of the day playing with clay, sand tables, bubbles, blocks, puzzles, chalk and coloring.
Needless to say, I left the museum with a family membership and a very tired but happy little girl :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Riley's "Garden" Shower

Yes, I know that it's June and I'm just now posting stuff from March, but I've been a little occupied and a little lot lazy!   please forgive me :)

Now onto the post...

I'm not sure if you remember my previous shower (click here), but it was wonderful!  I didn't think my mom could outdo herself, but she did!  My family threw me another beautiful shower and all the little details were amazing!  Deven and I feel so lucky that we have so many family and friends who already love our little Riley so much!
My shower was held at Mimi's Cafe and when I walked into our private room I saw all these beautiful table decorations!
When everyone walked in, they were to sign one of the flower petals (beautifully painted by my mother-in-law Nancy), we will then hang the painting in Riley's room, so she can see all the people that showered her with LOVE!
The beautiful table arrangements.
The favors (made by my sister Krystle) were little Champagne bottles with little owls and/or baby hand prints - so adorable!
Next were the beautiful centerpieces.  I must say that the star of the show was this owl, which was completely made (by Krystle) out of silk flowers.
My mom made this "advice garden" which gave all my guest the opportunity to give Riley advice for the future (these are always so much fun to read!)
Then of course there was the cake!   
And none of this would be possible without all of our wonderful family and friends!!
Do all of you remember my ADORABLE flower girl Chloe?  This is her now - she's almost as tall as me!!!!  It's amazing how fast they grow up!
One of the games we played was "guess the size of my belly"... apparently some people thought I was WAYYYYY bigger than I actually was. 
 Krystle & Thiri did a particularly BAD job of guessing! haha
 After a few games it was time for the presents!
 matching outfits for Madison and Riley!!
LOVE IT!!!!!

The shower was way more than I ever expected!  Riley is one lucky girl, she has so many wonderful people in her life, but she's especially lucky, since she already has the most loving big sister in the world! 
Thank you everyone!!! 
<3 <3 <3 Angela & Deven

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Happa Happa Dadda!

In case you were wondering, yes, I purposely wrote Happa Happa (not Happy Happy), because that's how Madison pronounces it.  She says Happa Happa, so now we all say Happa Happa! 

Daddy's birthday was so much fun this year, since it was on a Wednesday, Deven decided to take the day off of work.  It was so nice having him home in the middle of the week!  We had such an eventful day.  It started with breakfast, then presents, then off to the Dr. (for baby Riley), lunch, then finally the fun part - our 1st movie with Madison!  By 3pm we were spent... we went home, relaxed (one of us napped) and then it was sushi for dinner (Deven's favorite!)

Madison had to help open the presents... as usual
 Coasters for daddy's desk 
(personalized with Madison & Riley's name)
Off to the movie!  
We saw The Lorax and Madison was sooo intrigued, during exciting and suspenseful parts she kept gasping and saying, 
"OH NO!"
 Then it was time for dinner. 
These pics are from my phone, so they aren't super clear, but they are super cute!
 Deven kept trying to steal a kiss, but Madison thought it was funny to keep moving
 okay Dadda, here is your Happa Birthday kiss <3
 By the time we got home from dinner we were all tired and ready for bed.
Happa Happa Dadda!
Hope you had the best, most fantastic birthday ever!
We love you <3