Thursday, May 31, 2012


As some of you know, Sugarland is one of my favorite bands.  My mother's day present was tickets to their concert and our seats were FANTASTIC!  I've always loved their music, but do to their touring schedule and our vacation schedule I've only seen them in concert once!!  Needless to say, I was extremely excited to see them again!
our "classic" concert pic
 They put on a fantastic and fun show!
 I had such a wonderful time, I got to spend the evening with my hubby, drink a few beers and listen to some amazing music, it doesn't get any better :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Crawfish Festival

I've lived in SD for almost 12 years and this was the first time I've ever been to the LSU Crawfish Festival {apparently Qualcomm has hosted the event for the past 24 years} and it was a blast! 

Now your probably thinking "crawfish... ewww" which is what I thought too, until I tried it and it was YUMMM!  We went to the event with my dad and Concha (and some of their friends) and we had so much fun.  It was all the beer you could drink and all the crawfish you could eat.  It was one of the 1st days away from the littlest one, so it was nice to be out in the beautiful SD sun, having a few drinks and spending time with adults -haha
50 lbs of crawfish
There is an art of eating crawfish, first you must suck the head and then pinch the tail.  Sound weird? It was, but it's how you get all the flavor!
It was such a fun time and we even got into the spirt of things by wearing the BIG balls - hahaha :)
Now that we've been, we can wait to go back again next year! 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

1 month!

I thought time flew by with one kid, but it's like super speed when you have two!  I can't believe that it's already been a month... where did my little newborn go?  Riley has gotten so big and she's turning into such a beautiful little girl. 
1 month
It's amazing how different she is from Madison, from the day she was born she had a completely different disposition.  Madison was either sleeping or eating, I would nurse her and she'd fall right asleep, you could hand her to anyone and it wouldn't wake her up... I spent many days with Madison just sleeping on my chest - well Riley is completely different!  

Riley is awake, WIDE awake!  She doesn't fall asleep nursing, she falls asleep being rocked {which is a lot of fun at 3am!}.  She doesn't sleep in my arms or on my chest, she sleeps on my legs.  I lay her on my legs and rock her back and forth and she falls right asleep.  If I try to move her, she wakes right up.  She knows when I'm not near, or in her eye sight and she starts crying.  She's a momma's girl, for now {I know it will change... she'll love her daddy like crazy, just like her big sister}.

My favorite thing about her are those EYES!  She has such a shocked expression, she cracks me up!  I love those BIG eyes and her silly faces she gives me :)
 When she's not staring at me with those big eyes, she's passed out...
 smiling in her sleep
love this one, I just want to kiss those cheeks!
 She had more visitors :)
Samantha was so good with her <3
She had her first bath, which was a little traumatic
and sadly when she's upset, she gets bright red, 
just like her momma
(sorry sweetie)
 Most days she's just kicking back and taking in her surroundings
She's already such an amazing little girl.  My dad described her perfectly... "She has an old soul" he said, and he's right.  You can tell when she looks at you that she's got it all figured out.  It's hard to explain, but if you meet her and look into her eyes, you'd understand. 

We love our little angel and we can't wait to watch her grow into a beautiful little girl, just like her big sister!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Nina Time

We LOVE when Nina (Auntie Misty) visits, and this time she stayed with us for a couple days.  She came down to meet little Riley, but Madison made sure that she got her fair share of attention... I don't think she left her side - haha!
Since she was here for a few days, we decided to head to the zoo!  Riley slept the whole time, but Madison had so much fun showing Nina all the animals!
These are the funniest pictures...
 we thought Madison was going to give kisses
but instead she decided to lick it... haha
She LOVED the elephants.  She hugged and hugged and hugged them some more!
The day was perfect and Madison loved spending so much time with Misty.  We love having her visit and we can't wait until we can see her again!