Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pool Party!

Madison isn't even 1 yet and she's already had her first pool party! She is so lucky to already have so many great (boy) friends to play with.  While her daddy was in Las Vegas (doing boy things) she was up at her Nana's house having a pool party with her friends Brayden and Luke.  They all had so much fun playing with the water table and in the pool. 
Luke just sat back and relaxed!
Mommy, I LOVE when you throw me up the air!!!
Brayden wanted to join in on the fun!
After a long afternoon of getting in and out and back into the pool (followed by a few naps), everyone changed, ate dinner and then of course it was time to play some more! 
"Brayden, I want you to wear this hat - ok?"
Luke was so wiped out, he decided to take a nap... in the meantime, the other two trouble makers decided to explore the rest of the house...
It was so much fun hanging out with Thiri, Scott and their families.  It's so funny to think that we've all know each other since Jr. High... my parents can still remember us being little kids playing in the pool and now all of us have kids of our own (and we're still playing in the same pool!)  It's amazing how fast time flies - are we are really this old???? haha.  I was sad that Deven wasn't able to be there to hang with all the kids, but again the whole reason I was even up in OC was becuase Deven was in Vegas, so I guess it all worked out.  I can't wait to have many more pool parties with Luke and Brayden :)

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