Monday, August 29, 2011

Our new toy/Camping!!

A few weeks ago we bought a Polaris RZR (a toy for the dirt!).  Deven and I have been wanting something like this for awhile, so it was very exciting when we actually got it!  We couldn't wait to take it out for a ride so the very 1st weekend we had free we went up to Miller Canyon (in San Bernardino) and took it out for a spin :)
we're on our way!
 Our first trip was fun, but way too short (since we came back the same day). Next time we stay longer! :)
A few weeks after getting the RZR, we finally went on a proper camping trip.  We decided to go camping right here in SD and we brought Sam and Krystle along with us.  It was so much fun, and as sad as we were to leave Madison in OC w/the grandparents, it was really nice to have a weekend away to relax and go riding!
the campsite :)
By the time we got there on Friday night, it was dark and late, so we just sent up camp, ate some food and went to bed early.  The next day was our 1st riding day and it was also the most interesting.  The morning started out VERY warm (I think it was already 90* by 9am), we ate breakfast, packed a lunch and started our day... 
 Deven actually let me drive most of the morning :)
Next we made the trek up to the Los Pinos Lookout
Once we got up to the top, Norm (the forest ranger) invited us up to his post and we got to see some amazing views!  The boys had fun looking at all the maps and through the binoculars at everything.  I had fun taking pics of the views and the humming birds :) 
 We had to climb a few stairs to get to the top
 the view :)
 such a beautiful day <3
After our visit with Norm, we headed back down the mountain... that's when our day got interesting...
We got back to camp, ate some lunch and then the boys decided to got riding again, while Krystle and I decided to hang at camp and relax.  We were sitting there under the tree (for shade) when we heard thunder... 

Krystle: That thunder is REALLY really loud
Me: I know - do you think it might rain?
Krystle: I don't think so, but that thunder does sound REALLY close!
Me: Maybe we should cover the stuff/food, just in case
(all the food was out, radio/ipod out, tents were open, etc)
Krystle:  We should be fine, if it starts to drizzle, we can close up everything really fast

2 minutes later....

Me: Is it raining?
Krystle: I don't think so, I don't feel anything 
(we were still under the tree)
Me: Oh my gosh, look at the ground... it's pouring!!!!!

At that point, Krystle and I start running around like CRAZY, throwing the wood (for the camp fire) underneath tarps, throwing things in bins - covering them and shoving them under the table.  Grabbing the cell phones & radio and throwing them into the tents and zipping them up.  

By this time it's pouring rain, thunder, lightning and HAILING!!! We start to worry about the boys, who are out driving around in METAL during all of this.  Then we heard them racing around the corner back to camp... they jump out and run under the tree with us.  We all stood around watching the rain and hail, completely SHOCKED that 10 min ago it was almost 100* out and sunny.
After about 40 min of rain and hail, it finally stopped and within 1 hour, it was back to 100* and everything was dry - you'd never even know it rained - haha.  We rode a little longer and then settled into camp to start dinner - followed by s'mores... mmmmmmmmm 
 Day 2 of riding was much shorter, since we had to pack up and head home that afternoon.  We rode a little in the morning, Krystle attempted to drive the quad... I think it only lasted 10 min :)
We drove back up to the lookout, said HI to Norm, took a few more pics and then headed home.
 Goodbye Corral Canyon, it was a lot of fun... until next time! :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pool Party!

Madison isn't even 1 yet and she's already had her first pool party! She is so lucky to already have so many great (boy) friends to play with.  While her daddy was in Las Vegas (doing boy things) she was up at her Nana's house having a pool party with her friends Brayden and Luke.  They all had so much fun playing with the water table and in the pool. 
Luke just sat back and relaxed!
Mommy, I LOVE when you throw me up the air!!!
Brayden wanted to join in on the fun!
After a long afternoon of getting in and out and back into the pool (followed by a few naps), everyone changed, ate dinner and then of course it was time to play some more! 
"Brayden, I want you to wear this hat - ok?"
Luke was so wiped out, he decided to take a nap... in the meantime, the other two trouble makers decided to explore the rest of the house...
It was so much fun hanging out with Thiri, Scott and their families.  It's so funny to think that we've all know each other since Jr. High... my parents can still remember us being little kids playing in the pool and now all of us have kids of our own (and we're still playing in the same pool!)  It's amazing how fast time flies - are we are really this old???? haha.  I was sad that Deven wasn't able to be there to hang with all the kids, but again the whole reason I was even up in OC was becuase Deven was in Vegas, so I guess it all worked out.  I can't wait to have many more pool parties with Luke and Brayden :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Froggie Pool

Summer has been so much fun since Madison LOVES the water.  She would play in her pool all day - every day!  She acts like such a big girl - she climbs in and out of the pool all by herself and she loves splashing!
splash splash
We thought it would be fun to give Madison an Otter Pop
it was so funny watching her try to eat it - haha
This was the perfect way to end a weekend - just relaxing outside in the sun with my two favorite people in the whole world!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Since I'm lucky enough to be home with Madison every day (thanks to my wonderful husband). I get to watch her grow and learn right in front of my very eyes!!  She is getting soooo big and getting so smart!  She knows how to do quite a few things, I keep trying to catch everything on camera, but of course she doesn't always like to cooperate- haha.   Here are some of my favorites from the past few weeks!

She's becoming a pro at turning on/off the TV and Stereo. 
(She's also going to take up pluming soon... can you say plumbers crack?  haha)

She loves playing on the couch
 And she's mastered climbing up and down off of it too!
 She wears BIG GIRL pajamas!
 She helps me fold the laundry :D
 She climbs into EVERYTHING!!
She sits back and relaxes on the couch!
Lastly, here is a little video showing my attempts to get Madison to walk :)