Tuesday, June 26, 2012

2 months!

WHAT?  I'm 2 months old?!?!?
You've got to be kidding me!!!
 I LOVE her expressions and I LOVE those big eyes of hers!
These past two months have gone by in the blink of an eye.  In this past month her beautiful little personality has really emerged.  My nickname for Madison is "munchkin", but I call her little sister SMILEY Riley, because that's what she is - SMILEY!   She smiles all time {unless she's sleeping}, and she is such a laid back happy baby.
The funny thing is, Madison was a really happy baby too, she had such a happy disposition, but Riley is so different.  Her disposition is very laid back, relaxed and mellow {who thought you could be "mellow" at 2 months, but she is!}, but her expressions are HAPPY and SMILEY!  If you smile at her, she'll give the BIGGEST smile back {it's the instant cure for a bad day!}

She has the cutest little expressions... 
here are a few from the past month
and of course, there are those EYES
aren't they mesmerizing?
 of course she still spends most of the day sleeping... 
{That is when her big sister isn't bothering her!}
Do you remember from my 1 month post, I mentioned that she loves to fall asleep on me?  That I rock her to sleep on my legs?  Well here are a few pics of her passed out on mommy.  
I love that Riley is so different than Madison because it makes this whole experience new again.  Yes, I already know how to be a mom, but this is the first time I've been a mom to Riley, she has different wants and needs than Madison did.  She likes to be carried, comforted and fed differently than Madison did.  I can't wait to watch her grow up and see how her personality differs or becomes more similar to her big sister.

Here is the lowdown:  Her 2 month checkup went perfectly.  She got all her shots and did sooo well.  She cried a little bit, but once I cuddled her in my arms, she calmed right down.  The Dr. said that she's growing perfectly and is a healthy little baby!  She now weighs 12lbs 9oz and is 23in long {she weighs more than Madison did at this age}.  If you compare the two of them, Riley grew 3in and gained 4lbs 6oz where Madison grew 3in but only gained 3lbs 3oz.  kinda interesting huh?  Will Riley be bigger/taller than her BIG sister?  Only time will tell :)


  1. She's super cute.

  2. Riley is so cute! She looks like you, Angela.
