Tuesday, July 12, 2011

4th of July - Food, Fun & Family!

I must say that this 4th of July was one of my favorites, for many reasons, but mainly becuase it lasted 2 days!  Since the 4th was on a Monday, Ed & Karen decided that we'd have the BBQ, fireworks and fun all on Sunday the 3rd, so that everyone could stay the night and not have to worry about getting home for work the next day - which was a great idea, since it allowed us to celebrate the 4th for 2 days! :D

There were lots of visitors that whole weekend, Karen's whole family and a few of Ed & Karen's friends.  We spent most of the day out by the pool, laughing and having fun.  When people weren't in the pool, they were cooking food or eating food.
 Madison & Karen match!
time for a swimsuit change
(and a nap)
she sure loves her daddy!
Madison and her cousin

trying to touch the lighting bug
(right before fireworks, we put Madison to bed)
Deven had SOOO much fun lighting things on fire!
After lighting all the big fireworks off, my brilliant husband decided to take all the little fireworks over to the fire pit and have some fun.  Here is a video of one of them...
The next night, we parked down near the Butler County Fair to watch the fireworks.  Madison was actually awake for these and she LOVED it.  She kept giggling and pointing to the sky - it was adorable.
Mom, Madison and Aunt Karen the Lobster
waiting patiently :D
the sun went down and the fireworks spectacular began! :D

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