Sunday, November 14, 2010


She many not know how to talk yet, but her looks say it all!happycontentannoyedpooping...


  1. Pooping and content look really similar... she must get that from her dad.

  2. Well I know for sure when she is annoyed and unhappy watch out world because she is good at having a meltdown!!! Grandma Ivy had her first hands on with Madison missing dad and mom this past thanksgiving weekend. Grandma was at her final straw when the LUCKY BROWN SWEATER of mommy's saved the night! I put the sweater over my shoulder and one happy sleepy baby fell word of caution - make sure you keep a piece of Deven or Angela's clothing for babysitting back up! I just love her - but she really lllllooooovvveeees her mommie and daddy so very much.

  3. Good thinking, Grandma Ivy!!
