Sunday, May 9, 2010

Our favorite people from Chicago!!

Becky & Dan brought Madison a gift
2 adorable outfits and a new book!
We spent the day at Balboa Park, people watching and doing a little shopping
Dinnertime at the Corvette Diner

We were so excited to spend the weekend with Becky & Dan. Since they live in Chicago, we don't get to see them very often, but each time we do it's such a blast! Deven & Dan are such good sports, since they get to put up with us girls... when we get together, we get a little obnoxious, reminiscent and very giggly (especially Becky). We spent the weekend eating at all their favorite CA eateries. From Old Town Mexican Cafe (yummm), to In N Out and of course Del Taco. Since Dan LOVES In N Out so much, we actually went there 2 days in a row... while he enjoyed his burger the rest of us enjoyed some Del! We were so sad to see them leave, but we can't wait until they come visit again!

1 comment:

  1. Well now BECKY has the BABY lets all plan on saving everything Madison does not need for our Tequila Becky!

