Becky & Dan brought Madison a gift
2 adorable outfits and a new book!
We spent the day at Balboa Park, people watching and doing a little shopping
Dinnertime at the Corvette Diner
We were so excited to spend the weekend with Becky & Dan. Since they live in Chicago, we don't get to see them very often, but each time we do it's such a blast! Deven & Dan are such good sports, since they get to put up with us girls... when we get together, we get a little obnoxious, reminiscent and very giggly (especially Becky). We spent the weekend eating at all their favorite CA eateries. From Old Town Mexican Cafe (yummm), to In N Out and of course Del Taco. Since Dan LOVES In N Out so much, we actually went there 2 days in a row... while he enjoyed his burger the rest of us enjoyed some Del! We were so sad to see them leave, but we can't wait until they come visit again!
Well now BECKY has the BABY lets all plan on saving everything Madison does not need for our Tequila Becky!