Monday, November 28, 2011

It's another GIRL!!!!

Is anyone really surprised?!!?  Everyone (including Deven, again) was convinced it was going to be another girl.  Deven keeps telling everyone that he's "destined" to be surrounded by women, so he was 100% postive it was going to be another girl (and he LOVES when he's right - haha).

So the big day arrived and I was anxious, I of course didn't care either way, it would be fun to have a boy (since we already have a girl), but of course it would be just as fun to have another girl!  When we found out it was a girl, I have to admit, I was a little relieved...  of course it would have been great to have a boy BUT I already have EVERYTHING a little girl needs (literally, EVERYTHING).  It meant that I didn't need to buy all new clothes, blankets, toys, etc... for a boy.  Plus, since I have 3 sisters I know the bond that sisters can share and it made me so happy to know that Madison would get to have that very special bond with her little sister! 

Here are a few pics from the appt.  She was moving around A LOT, so it made it hard to get a really good pic, but as always, it's so much fun to see her on that screen.  It's hard to believe that she's still so little, because on those screens she looks soo big!  It's even harder to believe that it wasn't that long ago that Madison was that little inside my belly and now she's such a big girl, running all over the place!
After all the troubles we went through trying to get pregnant with Madison, Deven and I feel so extremely blessed to be expecting another little miracle into our family!  We couldn't be happier and we are so excited to introduce Madison to her new little sister!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The best place to spend a sunny day!

As most of you already know (from looking at our blog), we love going to Seaport Village.  It's the best place to spend a beautiful sunny day!  You can walk along the water, play in the grass, eat lunch, watch street performers and even get some yummy ice cream or fudge!  

Thanksgiving weekend was sooo beautiful, we knew we had to be outside enjoying this wonderful sunny November weather (don't you just love So Cal?!)
 Madison had a BLAST running around everywhere.
non-stop smiles :)
Deven looked at this pic and said, 
"I forget how little she is, until I see a pic of her standing next to me - haha"
I don't know why I love this pic sooo much, but I do. 
Something about a little girl walking with her daddy just melts my heart <3
 We sat on the grass and she ran back and forth and back and forth, giving us both hugs and kisses.  LOVE HER!
 The day would not be complete without a few crackers... not 1, or 2, but 3 crackers to be exact! haha 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving... yum yum!

This year was a very special Thanksgiving... we not only had my Grandma Fran in town (from Pennsylvania), but we also got to find out some exciting news!  We got to find out if we were going to be having a niece or nephew! :)

Thanksgiving was held at my mom's house and of course all the family was there.  My mom set a beautiful table, cooked some delicious food and we got to spend some great family time together!  Of course there aren't many pics of anyone BUT Madison... my bad, she's all I really take pics of these days - haha.
coloring with her cousin Cambria
now time to play the piano
Doesn't the table look so pretty!!
Before dinner, Candice & John announced the news to everyone!
it's a BOY! 
 It was such a nice day and soon we get to find out if we're having a boy or girl... so exciting!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Week 18 (round 2)

Okay, I totally suck, because I forgot to take a belly pic this week...  Week 18 fell on Thanksgiving day and we were up in OC celebrating with family.  I completely forgot to take a pic, that day or the next few days after.  I tried looking at the pics from Thanksgiving, to see if there were any good "belly pics", but these days, I'm taking pics of Madison, which makes it hard for me to be in any of them - haha.  Anyhow, here is still a picture for you to enjoy... of a bell pepper... haha :)

How our baby's growing:
Hear to rump, our baby is about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and weights almost 7 ounces.  Our baby had become amazingly mobile (at least compared to me), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swalling.  And the baby's finally baby's finally big enough that I'll be able to feel those movements.

So, last time, it took me until about week 19 before I could feel any movements (at least, before I could be positive that it was the baby... not just my tummy).  This time however, I started feeling movements around week 12-13.  I heard that once you've had a baby, you can feel movements earlier since you're able to differentiate between belly grumbles and baby movements - and it's completely true!  I only felt it a few times in the beginning, but I knew it was the baby!  Each week has brought more and more movements and this past Tuesday Deven actually felt the baby kick!!!  It really is such an amazing feeling - one that I'll never get tired of feeling !! :)

Don't forget - on Monday (28th) we get to find out the gender - so exciting!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Madison's Baptism

Today was a wonderful day... it was filled with family, friends, happiness and LOVE - all in celebration of Madison's baptism!  We found a fantastic church and we were so excited to officially welcome our little girl into God's community.  She got all dressed up and looked like a little princess, Deven and I felt so proud to be her parents!
 The Godparents
Mike and Misty
The ceremony was so wonderful!  The whole church service was centered around Madison's Baptism.  She looked so beautiful in her dress, one of the little girls came up to us and asked, 
"is she getting married?" haha, so cute!
We are so blessed to be apart of such a great church, the Pastor is wonderful and the sewing group even made Madison a handmade blanket, to remember the occasion. 
Everyone came back to the house to eat, open presents and celebrate our little girl.  She had a fantastic day being surrounded by those who love her!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Week 17 (round 2)

I feel like time is going by faster this time around.  Maybe it's because I'm so busy chasing Madison around that I forget I'm pregnant half the time... or maybe it's because this time I'm pregnant during the busiest time of the year - the Holidays!  The next 2+ months are so jam-packed with events that before I know it, it will be the end of January and my due date will be around the corner! 
17weeks, 3days
How our baby is growing:
Our baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it.  The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints.
Our last Dr. appt was pretty fast and easy, it's amazing how many questions you DON'T have the second time around... makes for a much quicker visit!  The Dr. said that the baby's heartbeat sounded perfect and our next appt would be in another month (Dec 13th).  Even though we won't go back to our Dr for another month, we do have 1 appt before then...... the 18-20wk Fetal Anatomy Scan.  This appt will consist of another ultrasound, which they use to check the baby's growth, heart, bones, etc. and my fluid levels.  That appt is the Nov 28th - oh yea, we'll also find out the gender - WOO HOO!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Picnic in the park

Madison got a Y-Bike (from her Auntie Misty) for her birthday and she absolutely LOVES IT!  She looks so darn cute riding it and she rides it all over the house.  We thought it would be fun to take her to the park so she could ride around without bumping into corners or walls (like she does at the house).  She had so much fun!  We had a picnic, played in the grass, rode the bike, played on the slide and swings - a wonderful day!
 Madison LOVES her daddy so much!  
I love catching these moments on camera, they are the sweetest!
She's the best!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Week 16 (round 2)

Okay, I'm going to admit it - I've been really really bad about taking belly photos this time around.  Usually because by the time I remember, I'm already in my pj's and that's not exactly my "best" look! haha.  So after weeks had gone by, I finally took a belly pic - yeah for me! :)
16 weeks
I know that it doesn't look like much of a belly BUT if you look back at my 16wk belly pic (from Madison) I didn't show this much until I was much further along.  So I guess it's true, you show earlier the 2nd time around!

This pregnancy has been very similar and very different.  I wasn't as nauseous (thank God!), but I was SUPER tired!  Unlike last time, when I could come home, put my feet up and fall asleep at 7pm (if I wanted to) and sleep in on the weekend (until I felt like getting up) that didn't happen this time around..... thanks to my little angel AKA Madison!  I felt so wiped out for the first 3 months, but now that it's passed, I have much more energy, which is a good thing, because Madison has moved on from just walking....... she's running!! :)

How our baby is growing: 
I'm getting ready for a growth spurt... In the next few weeks, our baby will double its weight and add inches to its length.  Right now, our baby is about the size of an avacado: 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces.  Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in and taste buds are forming.  
Our next Dr. appt is next Tuesday the 15th - which will be just a normal checkup.  In about 2 more weeks, we'll get to find out the sex - how exciting!!! Everyone keeps asking us what we are hoping to have, we really don't have a preference.  It would be so great for Madison to have a little sister BUT it would also be so fun for her to have a little brother (everyone is hoping for a boy), either way, we just want a happy healthy baby!  Deven is CONVINCED it will be a girl, I guess we'll find out soon!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Savage's visit SD

This past weekend our good friends the Savages' came out from Arizona to visit us.  The weekend was filled with fun, laughter and a lot of girls!  It's always nice visiting with them and having all the girls play together was so much fun.  Madison was such a good girl, she shared all her toys with her guests! :)

On Saturday we went to the San Diego Zoo,  Madison just LOVES looking at all the animals.
 nap time...
I'll never get tired of seeing this happy face!!
Daddy, is that the camel from the Wiggles??

After the zoo, Cami was such a good sport and agreed to watch all 3 girls so we could go to a relaxng dinner without any kids.  Jared even drove down to visit and have dinner with us!
After dinner, we came back to the house to a bunch of sleeping girls... so we headed out back, sat around the fire and had a few beers (except me.... of course....)

The Savages left the next morning, but since all the girls get up sooo early, they had plenty of time to play before getting on the road.  They all looked so cute in their pj's playing in the living room.
We always love getting to visit with Matt and Nikki and we hope to see them again soon!!