Sunday, February 27, 2011

bananas and giggles

It's so much fun watching Madison do something for the 1st time... eating bananas on her own, she's such a big girl!  I also love watching her giggle with her daddy... he loves her soooo much!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lazy morning

I love mommy's kisses
cuddling with daddy
Weekend mornings are the best, we wake up (early of course...) but we don't go anywhere.  We bring Madison into bed with us and we cuddle, play, kiss, watch the Wiggles and laugh!  These are the moments that I treasure and I feel so lucky to be Madison's mom and Deven's wife :)

Friday, February 25, 2011

my birthday

 opening my gifts
For my birthday my two favorite people took me to one of my favorite places - Old Spaghetti Factory.  My family makes me feel so special :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Madison got her ears pierced and she did great! Deven was a little hesitant about getting it done, since he hates to see her cry, but we decided that we'd rather get them pierced earlier than later; she barely knows what her ears are, so she definitely wouldn't know what earrings are. She was so good through the whole thing! prepping her ears
drawing the dots - Auntie Cami was distracting her with her toy
waiting... the tears are about to start
left ear done
"why did you do this to me mommy?!?!?!?"
right ear done
About 5 min after the tears stopped she was back to being our happy little girl. Her earrings look sooooooo cute on her and I'm so glad we got them pierced. I can't believe how fast our little girl is growing up!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I don't know how we got so lucky... we have the most amazing daughter! She loves to smile and laugh and is so beautiful!! Every night after dinner we prop her up (since she's still just learning to sit up on her own) and we just watch her play/interact with her toys. She is so smart (yes, I know all parents must say that), but I really think it's true. She'll be studying her toy then look up and see us - then we get that adorable smile of hers. Lucky doesn't even begin to describe how we feel to have her in our lives.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day

Madison looked like a little princess in her beautiful red dress. Deven came home and fixed a wonderful dinner... we are such lucky girls!
I love my daddy!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Dancing in the village

The first week in February is usually pretty rainy, but not today... it was beautiful, sunny and warm! We went down to Seaport Village and Madison had so much fun, she is definitely a people watcher like her mom and dad. We sat on the seawall and she watched the water, then the people, then the water, then the people, haha, her little head didn't know which way to look. Later we had dinner in the village, listened to some music and watched Madison dance with her daddy!
Such a wonderful day!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Cami's 21st!

Well my baby sister turned 21 today... I feel soooo old! haha