Monday, September 6, 2010

Early Arrival

In case you haven't already heard... Little Madison will be arriving this Thursday... just a few days early of her Sept 14th due date. The Dr. is going to induce me a little early, due to a condition I have called Cholestasis of Pregnancy (we just found this out on Thursday). No need to panic, worry or stress... the condition is caused by pregnancy and goes away at delivery, the only real side affect is that I'm EXTREMELY itchy!! Not just a little scratching here and there, but itchy like I have chicken pox or something. It does not cause any rashes, bumps, etc... it just makes me itch... non-stop. Deven is ready to tape oven mitts to my hands, since I won't stop scratching!

FYI, for those of you who are still concerned about my health or Madison's heath due to this condition (aka Ivy and Nancy), the Dr. had me go in and get a stress test done, this is to check my fluid, her movement, heartbeat, oxygen levels, etc... the nurse said everything was perfect! I go back for another test on Tuesday and will be admitted into the hospital on Wed night or possible Thursday morning. At that point our Dr. will give me a drug called Pitocin, which will start my contractions. It's then up to Madison on how quickly she'll want to come out...

Deven and I are so excited that the big day is finally here! We can't wait to meet our little girl :-D

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